
Love, Rosie

I stay up reeeaally late when I get into a book! Love, Rosie is the story of two best friends, a boy and a girl. They write letters back and forth to each other and the book is written in the form of letters and online chat rooms. They are both secretly in love with each other, and their secrets are not exposed until they are 50 years old! Great story! I am making a promise to myself that I am going to pass on all of my books because, well, my bookshelf is a little full! So... who wants it??

1 comment:

  1. Didn't she write P.S. I Love You? Another one of your favorite :) I would take this one but I have NO space to store books :( I think I definitely might download it to my Kindle and read it though! I'm reading the new Dan Brown right now...it's pretty good. I just finished Every Boy's Got One by Meg Cabot and it was pretty funny!
